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We Attended Puppy School

We attended Puppy School
J Jay and I
Some puppies quivered
Jay didn’t know why

“Take him off his lead”
The instructor suggested
He greeted each one
Which she had expected

Some snarled and snapped
But he continued unfazed
When he played with the sheepdog
We all were amazed

.....Jay became ‘the entertainment’
For the next few weeks
He learned “sit” and “stay”
To be quiet and not speak

To socialise ones puppy
With other dogs was taught
Of uttermost importance
So for guidance I sought

‘The most fearless puppy’
His first certificate
And what was learned
The most significant
Is that Jay’s FAMILY
Are the head of the pack
And he knows he’s a dog
Then we are ‘on the right track”

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