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High in the hills

High in the hills
Sheltering in her cosy cave
She listened to the cyclone
And tried to remain brave

What caused this disaster
How did this end up here
Feb March 2023
This sad tale I now share

…………Cyclone Gabriel
Had no mercy at all
Did we invite her to our country
She bought down trees that stood tall

Flooded farmlands
Destroyed Kumera, apples, and grapes
Crops, roads, houses and bridges
Huge slips made many escape

Some in our country
Fled for their lives
Many were rescued
Many homes did not survive

Cars and caravans
Floated away
How can we ever forget
The devastation of these days

……..Many left in the valley
Of desolation and despair
The sun is now shining
Of their pain, oh so aware

…….my sisters farm flooded twice
Twelve poplars hit the ground
Winds oh so severe
Such an awful scary sound

……Placeofsprings rural property
Became the only road access
For our own community
Many thankful. So blest

Many ask the question
Will www.place of springs.co.nz now end
A season for everything
Hope heals. Love mends

May some of these ditties
Written over many years
Make us laugh a little
And even dry the odd tears

……..the days ahead
That which the future holds?
Cherishing Biblical Truths
As we watch that which now unfolds.

12 Stanzas

Written 9th March, 2023

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