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With Ailing Body And Feeble Mind


With ailing body and feeble mind
I look around this world of mine
I wonder as I look and see
Why there ever was a me

So much trouble on every side
It seems each day more nations divide
Such hostility, greed and strife
Nation fighting nation and taking life

I look closer to home and what do I see
A man in a garden planting a tree
Why, how strange I think to myself
This man’s found the secret to true wealth

Looking to the future, improving the environment
Hoping when he grows old for a happy retirement
He is doing his part to improve man’s lot
If everyone did the same we’d remove man’s blot

No more trees standing shattered
As shells exploded and guns clattered
No more bodies scattered about
No more wounded having to shout

Racked with pain for doing their duty
Paying a dreadful price before they’re thirty
No more wasted youth of a nation
Wouldn’t this be cause for such great elation

I think to myself I’ll go plant a tree
Then I’ll be thinking of others, not just me
I’ll make my corner of this world to shine
I’ll publicly show this world is yours as it is mine

Written on the 7.10.1991 by Ron Mason

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