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The Visitation

We talked holding hands
I answered her questions
Sacred things we dwelt upon
As we shared earth’s lessons

I cherished these insights
Then she rose hastily from her chair
I will return, she said
Please wait for me here

I had already learned not to question
The judgement of wiser friends
So I patiently waited
But suddenly this did end
As a stranger entered
So I arose to my feet
And with my eyes down
Him I did greet

He was tall and commanding
Ineffable sweetness He portrayed
His form and beauty were beyond words
And on His face pure love was displayed

This must be John
The beloved disciple of Our Master?
‘Peace come to this home’, he stated
My heart stirred and beat faster

His salutation as He entered
Thrilled me to the core
‘You are a welcome guest here’
I said as I gently shut the door

‘Sit beside me awhile’
Then he led me to a seat
I did as I was bidden
Like a child, expecting a treat

‘You have recently come’
He said with a gentle smile
How is your life here?
We both paused for a while

…Now I understood
The meaning of that sublime verse
The very best can be birthed
From the very worst

…Eye has not seen
Neither ear heard
Neither entered the heart of man
What God has said in His word
That the things he’s prepared
Are beyond our comprehension
For them that love Him
Without any exception…

Then He asked a question
‘Do you really believe
That Christians truly love me
Or is their motive only to receive?

Or do they love the Father
For the gift of His Son
For His love, mercy and new birth
And the fulfilment of what He’s begun

Or is their worship often duty’
He spoke reflectively and gently
Oh, I replied, you know
Our beloved Master intimately
How can you doubt
The love He inspires

In all who seek to know Him
He fulfils their hearts desires

A radiant glow
Overspread His wonderful face
He looked directly at me
And I saw mercy and grace

All of a sudden
My eyes cleared of the mist
And I cried with joy and adoration
‘I didn’t realize I was next on your list’

I knelt at His feet
And cried happy tears
He gently stroked my head
And melted away the pain of many years

Then he lifted me
To His side
My King I whispered
My beloved in whom I abide

Brother and friend, he added
What ethereal love
Totally unconditional
Received in Heavens realms above

…Sweet endearments
The love language of the soul
Unspeakable words
Leaving me fulfilled and whole

Amazing transformation
From faith to sight
All is just perfect between us
In my Majesty, I delight

…Then we conversed
Long and earnestly
About The Divine life
And its mysteries

Every word I assimilated
The very tone of His voice
Every expression of His beloved face
Made me so thankful I’d Made the right choice
To give Him my life
Totally and unreservedly
I was uplifted exalted
Reborn totally

…No words can express
His power in the form of gentleness
As He arose
I vowed I would bless
Every soul
Who crossed my pathway
That they too may get to know
Our Maker in an intimate way.

I go and prepare
A place for you

That where I am
You will be with me too

John Chapter 14 verse 2 and 3
Theme – Within Heavens Gates

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