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I Have Something To Say For My Church

I have something to say,
and yes it is for My church.
for yes, I am doing a new thing upon the face of the earth
and my church is going to be the recipient of great changes
I require of her,
for yes I have declared my hand.
I have revealed to my prophets that which I am about to do.
A great stirring shall take place across the whole body of Christ and I shall require holiness of my people.
Holiness born out of obedience to my requirements.
I do not require an outer appearance of holiness.
I require the circumcision of the heart
and I shall require all those who desire to draw near to me,
to take part in the circumcision I bring to my people,
for yes says the Lord,
my people shall reflect my glory.
My people shall reflect the beauty of holiness that comes from within
and all who look upon those who have allowed me to bring my circumcision to them,
shall speak of my glory from their countenance
and they shall utter from my lips,
my words in my way
and my time.

They shall not seek glory for themselves for I shall change
their hearts into the heart of a servant
and I shall demonstrate my love
through those who are willing to allow me to bring
my fires of purification and allow me to cleanse them
and give them understanding of my requirements for them.
Yes my people, my much loved people.
I am calling you to
a life of consecration to me.
I am calling you my people,
to put aside your own hopes and ambitions
and seek to know what lays upon
the Heart of God,
not what you hold most dear,
but what I hold most dear
and for all those who lay down their lives at the foot of the Cross,
I shall bring a resurrection
and the whole world shall see
the resurrection power I shall distribute to my saints,
to all those who have not loved their own lives
ahead of commitment to their God,
for I am a serious God
and I look upon my people to find those who are willing to take me seriously and become
obedient to my requirements for them.
Look within your hearts my people and ask me to show you what I see and I shall hear you and I shall answer you
and I shall open the eyes of your understanding
to the spiritual dimension I am drawing you into.
All things eternal are spiritual
and you need to be changed my people,
so you can understand and obey that which I am requiring of you.
There is a form of Godliness without the power
which accompanies true holiness born of me,
for yes says the Lord.
I am going to shake my church
and I am going to reveal the hidden motives in the hearts of my people, and I am going to gather to my bosom all those who turn to me
and respond to their need of righteousness,
and I am going to give succour to my people, and they shall grow fat on the nourishment I bring.
So come to me my people and allow me to bring you into
true holiness
with the power that is the outward manifestation
of the inner transformation.

I am calling out to you My people
to allow the changes
I must bring about within you,
so I can use you to bring about the changes
I have purposed for the human race.

Ronald Clive Mason 21.3.1996
Masons Oasis

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