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I shall open my heart to you

‘Thank you’…breaking news.
Space shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas
while coming down from space to land, killing all seven astronauts
including the first Israeli astronaut.
‘Father be with their loved ones left behind after this tragedy.
Thank you for your beautiful presence each day Father, and the freshness of your words each day in my journal,
and when I wait in your presence at our sacrament times.
I reach out now in fellowship with you to inquire what lies upon your heart to share with me as I wait expectantly before you’.
My son, my very precious son.
I shall open my heart to you and speak to you from it for you care how I feel and regularly open your heart to receive that which is upon my heart.
The earth and her peoples are entering into an increasingly difficult period
and much grace shall be required
resting upon and outworking through my faithful vessels to bring succour to many in this hour and in the days that stretch before you.
Darkness is spreading across the earth with the threat of war now imminent upon many of the earth’s peoples because, what is presently taking place concerning Iraq shall polarise into opposing forces
nations that presently live at peace with one another.
This is but the beginning of woes for my mankind
and follows on from the devastating two world wars that caught all mankind up in conflict over the century that has just been.
My hand is upon the history of man,
setting limits to the evil I allow to take place,
and all that is taking place,
and all that shall take place, I shall turn to the refining of souls,
the enabling of man to understand that she is created for my purposes.
And I shall deliver her out from under the great evil that is having its outworking upon the earth in the present hour,
and which shall continue to increase in the days stretching before you.
My great light shall come down upon mankind to enable her to see the great evil mounting in her midst
and I shall light the path into my bosom for my mankind
through my chosen prepared vessels, prepared for this very hour
that I knew would come about upon the earth under the combined forces of the evil one working through fallen man.
The damage taking place throughout the earth in this hour through the ongoing hurts suffered through the generations
and not rectified, is dictating the pathway of decline mankind has been on.
And the steepness of that decline is the direct result of the loss of the values I established upon the earth for my mankind to live by.
I knew from the beginning that man would need a deliverer,
and I sent my Son to be that deliverer
and I sealed all those who believed on Him by my spirit
and began the redeeming process within them by the writing of my laws upon their hearts so they could live peaceably
and produce Godly offspring who would also live peaceably.
That which has been in part throughout the history of my mankind shall now be brought to its completion,
as the great harvest of souls takes place in the midst of the mounting darkness.
I have you poised my son waiting my time for the establishing of you in position carrying my glory,
and I have many sons poised throughout my hurting humanity in whom I have been writing my laws also,
and very soon now I shall begin to bring together my sons and daughters
called in this hour and complete my work within them and send them forth carrying my glory for the turnaround of mankind.
I have done a deep, yes extensive work in bringing understanding to you my son and I shall use you with the understanding I have brought to you
to bring that understanding to many others who I shall then fill with my glory upon that essential foundation of understanding and send forth to bring understanding to my mankind.
To bring her out of the darkness presently engulfing her and as the light sent forth conquers the darkness, more and more of the earths peoples shall be brought into the understanding that shall see mankind turned around and prepared for the rule of peace under my Son, the Christ.
No divisive elements will be allowed to remain upon the earth during the time of His rule and my laws shall be written upon the heart of every soul present upon the earth to ensure that peace prevails
and the way of love is sought in the resolving of every difficulty.
I am the light of man says the Father of all light, mercy and truth,
and I shall turn my light on within man to bring about the harmony I have created man to walk in with her God.
The evil one has shown his hand,
and now the time has come for me to show mine
and the evil one and all those given over to evil shall be removed off the earth
as my sovereign hand moves all that is evil from out of man
and consigns it to its appointed place.
There shall be great lights present upon the earth in this hour,
agents of my appointing and preparation, able to carry my glory and my authority for the bringing about of my will upon the earth.
Those I have appointed I shall use
and upon the completion of their training they shall go forth in the teams of my choosing, carrying my glory, routing out the enemy wherever he may be found. For darkness shall stand exposed and shall flee
from before those appointed to carry my great light before mankind
in this your generation that shall see the return of my Son to take up His rule and reign over mankind.
These are my generals.
When the full number of my generals has been trained and sent forth,
I shall gather together a great army behind my generals
and they shall go forth and conquer
bringing to mankind the help she so desperately needs.
For without my intervention evil will overtake
my creation man in this your generation
and bring about her destruction
but this I shall not allow.
And all those bent on destruction shall be consigned at my hand to the destruction they intend for others.
I shall have no mercy on those in whom no mercy is to be found
and there shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth by the wicked as they are overthrown and consigned to their appointed place.
Yes, says the Father of all light mercy and truth to you this day my fine upstanding son.
I have stayed my hand long enough
and the time has come to stem the tide of evil and bring in the rising tide of my enlightenment upon man
that shall culminate in the return of my Son to take up His rule over all mankind.
A great purging shall now take placed upon the earth in my preparation of mankind that shall see the turn around of mankind out of all that is evil into all that is good and is approved at my hand.
Go your way in peace my son,
and thank you for allowing me the expression of my heart to you.
Soon you shall walk in the outworking of my action also as I bring to pass all I have declared to you and much more besides my exceedingly precious son who is so very dear to my heart.
‘You are very dear to my heart also Father’.
I know this my son and it is why I am safe to open my heart to you as I have done this day and shall continue to do, to enable you to walk in my will for the carrying out of my purposes upon the earth.
You shall never be short of the council of your God, my son.

Sunday 2nd February 2003

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