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We've Been Sworn To Secrecy

“We’ve been sworn to secrecy”
My sister expressed
“My heart is broken
We trust the lawyers know best”

.....Their farm had been in their family
For eighty years
Their ‘way of life’ now threatened
Bought within a real fear

The power company negotiated
In their own time and space
A large switch station was planned
A hard reality to face

This park-like property
Was never for sale
And as lies have short legs
And truth never will fail
The final outcome
Will be just and fair
And those who misunderstood
Will become aware
That good character
And respect of the community
Is the abundant reward
For those with integrity

.....May those who empathise
Offer a prayer
That the decisions made
Will be honourable and fair

Written 27th December 1009

Psalm 126

“What amazing things The Lord has done for them”

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