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To You My People

I The Lord your God is training and equipping my servants for a role that I have appointed for them to fill, and I wish to express to you my people that I have a role for each one of you to fill.

My desire is for you to respond to my requirements of you, and allow me to bring about within you the changes necessary for the release of my Glory through you.

I have ways and paths for you to tread that you have no understanding of at this time, and I desire for you to yield up your will and apply yourselves to seeking me and obeying that which I reveal to you, so the changes can take place within you that will release My Glory through you to mankind.

My beloved children. I love you with my great and eternal love and I wish to gather you in my arms and give of my great love to you, and as you experIence my great love, I want you to take that love which you have received, out to the people's of the earth.

I have appointed a time for the release of my power upon the earth through my appointed vessels. Those who have overcome the cares and distractions of the world and have surrendered themselves to me without reservation.

They shall form the nucleus of the thrust of my Spirit across the face of the earth, and they shall bear testimony of Me to the people's of the earth.

I am calling out to you my people to submit to my requirements of you so I can prepare and equip you for all that is to take place.

In this world's system there is always a time of training before someone is accepted in the field they have been trained in, and it is the same in the calling I have called you to my children.

I need you to submit to my requirements of you in order to be able to train you as I want you to be trained, in order for your acceptance in the role I have appointed unto each one of you.

Hear my voice. I have to speak strongly to you for the distractions of the world are great and the distractions within the religious system draw my people away from the central issue of my call upon them.

I need you to understand my people that I cannot build upon that which has been built within you by the religious system, for that cannot stand the stresses that are required to be withstood under the ministry I wish to give to my people.

For yes my children. My much loved children. The religious system is built upon an outward righteousness and to a great degree is undertaken by self effort.

My system requires total surrender and a giving up of the self effort in order for Me to bring about the changes in heart and understanding that I require. I want you my people to be willing to lay down your own hopes and desires and your own ambitions and surrender them to me so I can fill you with my hopes and desires, for those hopes and desires are based on eternal certainties and will produce in you happiness and fruitfulness in the work of My Kingdom, saith your God.

Written 7th June 1996.

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