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My people, my beloved people

My people, my beloved people.
I have awakened in you a desire to hear from me
and I am meeting that desire I have placed within you
so you will listen to me
and having listened, respond.
I am changing you my children, step by step, by bringing you into a place of higher understanding.
In the past my people have sought me through my Word, but in these times nearing the end of the present order,
I want my people to look to me for my present day revelation so you may all be prepared for what I am accomplishing on the earth.
The journey into spiritual enlightenment is a strange one and many mistakes are made as my people try and respond to my requirements while still under the reasoning of their fallen nature.
I am preparing channels of revelation that will bring direct relevant instruction to my people so they can respond and move forward in the revelation I bring to them.
I am able to speak to you my children, but you receive in a clouded way.
I shall speak to you with clarity, and you shall hear with clarity if you open your hearts to listen to the words I speak to you
through my appointed vessels.
I have formed a link through some of my servants that enables me to bypass the difficulties involved with speaking to you directly within,
as individuals, by using the vessels I have already brought past those inner distractions and pre-conceived notions
that cloud my voice to you.
I have a purpose in this my much loved children, for I wish to bring you on rapidly in the understanding I have for you.
Open your hearts to me my children.
Put aside resentments and any desire to be important.
Humble yourselves under my hand and accept the words I bring to you through my chosen vessels
and I will bring life to you ,and I will bring direction to you
and I shall be able to lead you and bring about the oneness of purpose
so necessary to the working out of my purposes.
I have called you to let go of all selfish desires and ambitions
and humble yourselves so you may learn of me.
The Spirit I give to you is a lowly one.
One who will reveal me to you and bring you into line with my purposes.
I have spoken of my purposes in my Word
and I have revealed what is about to take place,
through my prophets as recorded in my Word
and I have come to you and called you by name in this generation,
for I have a work for you to do.
My Spirit will reveal my will to you as you release yourselves into my purposes and you will find the peace you seek,
in serving me under the direction of my Spirit.
My servant writes with reluctance, knowing he is required to bring forth my words faithfully to you,
for he does not seek a position of importance and does not want to be mistaken for one trying to control others for his own ends.
His heart is fully towards me and I appointed him,
he did not appoint himself as a spokesperson from my throne.
The way has been long and arduous for him, for he remained obedient to my requirements of him in a time when there was no one he could go to who would have understood.
I have my servant now in the place of understanding, and he is able to lead you under my hand in safety, to the place where your union in me is sufficient to bring you to all I have called you to.
Receive him as you would receive me,
for I am speaking to you through him
and will continue to do so in days to come.
I have formed in my servant a wellspring of living water,
and I shall distribute of that water to my people, so drink, my people
and allow me to quench the thirst within you that I have placed there,
to cause growth, to follow.


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